The Christmas spirit is definitely in the air. And here in this urban jungle, nothing can define this spirit than the maddening crowds at every shopping place imaginable. From the airconditioned malls to the crowded flea markets, people are flocking to the very corners of the city looking for that bargain find as a present to himself or to someone else.
The recently concluded St. James The Great Christmas Bazaar down south in Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa was a testament to the dedication many people have all in the name of bargain finds. There are shoppers who came from far north just to see what the bazaar dubbed as the “biggest bazaar in the South” has to offer.
For one thing, it has a right to be dubbed as the biggest in the South. With over 200 establishments, the whole bazaar venue managed to fill up almost the whole village square. The selections are also a discovery by themselves as some of goods you find there are those that you won’t typically see at a regular bazaar.
Normally, going to a guarded residential area where the residents are mostly from the upper classes makes one feel uneasy and may think of being thrust to an embarrassing moment. But if you’re someone who’s willing to face the risk for the sake of shopping and bargain hunting, you’d be less concerned about that. It is nice to know that there are free shuttle vehicles deployed during the fair for those who do not have cars, not to mention the public vehicles that can take you inside Ayala Alabang Village itself. (something I was surprised to discover myself)

Despite the distance, and my little knowledge of traveling in South Metro, the Urban Roamer has enjoyed visiting the St. James Christmas Bazaar and is looking forward to next year.
©2009 The Urban Roamer