Last Wednesday, your Urban Roamer was at A Space Manila for what is known as a “travel meetup” organized by the cool folks at FlipTrip. It was an opportunity for this self-confessed travel bug to meet up and network with fellow travel bugs and perhaps pick an idea or two for my next trip.
Admittedly, I haven’t been to as much adventures as I wanted to due to stuff that has happened in my life recently. But now that everything seems to have settled down, I am ready to go to more places in the future. And this time, with some company since traveling solo all these years can be dull and hurts on my budget too much, hehe.
Truth be told, this was actually the second time I’ve been at a FlipTrip event as I went to a travel meetup held last December. But I would say this second meetup I’ve been to is more memorable, for reasons I’ll be detailing in a bit.
First things first, you may be wondering what FlipTrip is. Well, it can be described as an online travel agency, but it’s not your typical online travel agency. Unlike the mainstream travel agencies, FlipTrip focuses on taking travelers to off the beaten path destinations and connect them to local experts in destinations where you can experience unique and amazing adventures.
FlipTrip was launched only in 2014, but it already made a distinction as being one of the 10 winning tech startups of the IdeaSpace 2014 Competition. Neat, huh?
Now that you know what FlipTrip is about, let’s proceed to the travel meetup highlights at A Space Manila, which is a nice co-working space that I may write about soon.
For one, there was free food: Big Guys pizza and San Mig Light beer to be precise. Being there early, I was fortunate to enjoy the snacks.
There were also some fun games that were played that night, including the trivia game. Admittedly though, some of the questions were ones whose answers I’m not familiar with, so I didn’t do much to help the team I was part of. Well, save for the last round.
The last round involved saying as many Philippines provinces as I can within 1 minute. I volunteered to do so, out of the possibility I might pull it off since I am familiar with the provinces. Eventually, I found myself on rapid fire, almost non-stop. And by the end of the minute, I managed to mention a total of 78 out of 81 provinces all in all! Even I couldn’t believe what I just accomplished. I think the only provinces I missed out were Palawan, Romblon, and Dinagat Island.
Because of this, our team won the trivia night and managed to win a loot bag of goodies for each of us and a gift certificate for the group to dine at a Japanese restaurant. Not bad, eh?

Also, what made that night more enjoyable are some new people I got to meet. Then again, they may be happy to meet me because of that achievement, hehe.

My big thanks to the folks of for organizing this successful event and the partners who helped make it possible! I’m looking forward to traveling with you guys in the future!
If you want to keep updated on future travel meetups or would like to take part in some cool travel adventures, connect with FlipTrip at